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Here they are -- the amazing, incredible mutant cell phone towers of the desert.

The links at the top are to photo pages of these strange yet fascinating objects.

The picture on the right is of the Joshua (Yucca Brevifolia), the predominant tree native to the area in which these towers are located. Although they may reach heights of 30 feet, the vast majority of them are from 10 to 20 feet tall. There are many other non-native trees that grow well here, but NONE OF THEM ARE AS TALL AS A CELL PHONE TOWER.

While there are undoubtedly other places where disguising cell phone towers as giant coniferous trees WOULD work, THE DESERT IS NOT ONE OF THEM. Giant Sequoias and other such trees DO NOT GROW in Southern Californias northern Mojave Desert. This is why these things look so completely ABSURD.
